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Designated Officers under RTI Act, 2005 at ESIC Hqrs.

Sl. No. Name of Officer Designated as
1. Sh. Akshay Kala
Insurance Commissioner
Appellate Authority, Hqrs.

Insurance Commissioner

(PMD, NTA, General, RTI, (AA) RTI)

ESIC Hqrs. Office, Panchdeep Bhawan,
C.I.G. Marg, New Delhi-110002
Phone No.- 011-23236227
Email - ic[hyphen]pmd[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
2. Dr. Deepika Govil
Medical Commissioner
Appellate Authority, Hqrs.
(For all matters related to Medical Division)
ESIC Hqrs. Office, Panchdeep Bhawan,
C.I.G. Marg, New Delhi-110002
Phone No.- 011-23236496
Email - med-comm[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
3. Sh. Merrymel George
Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) Non Medical, Hqrs.

ESIC, Panchdeep Bhawan,
C.I.G. Marg, New Delhi-110002
Phone No.- 99711450041
Email - m[dot]George[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in

4. Sh. Sanjay Kumar
Nodal officer (RTI)
ESIC Hqrs. Office, Panchdeep Bhawan,
C.I.G. Marg, New Delhi-110002
Phone No.- 011-23215079
Email - sanjay[dot]kumar31[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
5. Dr. E. B. Teresa
Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) Medical, Hqrs.

ESIC, Panchdeep Bhawan,
C.I.G. Marg, New Delhi-110002
Phone No.- 011-23215079
Email - dr[dot]teresa[dot]email[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in

S.No. Subject Console Sl. No.
1 Third Party Transparency Audit under Section 4 of the Right to Information Act, 2005. size:(91.91 KB) 28/2024
2 Implementation of directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in W.P. C No. 990 of 2021-Kishan Chand Jain Vs. UOI Ors.-reg.. size:(959.81 KB) 27/2024
3 Suo Moto Disclosure Of Information Under Rti Act - Select List And Reserve List Of Junior Engineer Electrical,2011. size:(2.26 MB) 26/2018
4 Suo Moto Disclosure Of Information Under Rti Act - Select List And Reserve List Of Junior Civil Electrical,2011. size:(3.97 MB) 26/2018
5 Suo Moto Disclosure Of Information Under Rti Act - Select List And Reserve List Of Junior Engineer Electrical,2016. size:(3.35 MB) 25/2018
6 Suo Moto Disclosure Of Information Under Rti Act - Select List And Reserve List Of Junior Civil Electrical,2016. size:(5.41 MB) 25/2018
7 Information under R.T.I. Act 2005. size:(1.47 MB) 24/2018
8 Application Received from Sh.Balakrishna Lalam under the RTI Act, 2005. size:(3.06 MB) 23/2018
9 Suo Moto Disclosure Under Section 4 of RTI Act,2005(Walk-in-interview was held on 18.08.17). size:(545.26 KB) 22/2017
10 Suo Moto Disclosure Under Section 4 of RTI Act,2005(Walk-in-interview was held on 21.08.17). size:(342.99 KB) 21/2017
11 Appointment of CPIO and Link Officer fo CPIO at Hqrs under RTI Act. 2005. size:(204.89 KB) 20/2017
12 Suo Moto Disclosure Under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005.. size:(764.48 KB) 19/2016
13 Suo Moto Disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005.. size:(915.20 KB) 18/2016
14 Suo Moto Disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005. size:(2.05 MB) 17/2016
15 Suo Moto Disclosure Under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005. size:(164.25 KB) 16/2016
16 Returns dated 20.06.2016 from RTI on the subject: Quarterly Returns regarding implementation of the RTI Act for the year 2015 - 2016.. size:(811.16 KB) 13/2016
17 Letter dated 27.01.2015 from ESI PGIMSR, ESIC Medical College, Hospital & O.D.C.(EZ) ,Joka on the subject : Suo moto disclosure of Walk-in-Interview held on 09.01.2015, under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005. size:(217.66 KB) 12/2016
18 Letter dated 11.02.2015 from ESIC-PGIMSR & ODC(E.Z), Joka, Kolkata on the subject : Suo moto disclosure for JR, Walk-In-Interview was held on 09.01.2015, under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005. . size:(217.66 KB) 11/2016
19 Letter dated 11.02.2015 from ESIC-PGIMSR & ODC(E.Z), Joka, Kolkata on the subject : Suo moto disclosure for SR, Walk-In-Interview was held on 30.01.2015, under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005.. size:(203.48 KB) 10/2016
20 Letter dated 11.04.2015 from ESIC-PGIMSR & ODC(E.Z), Joka, Kolkata on the subject : Suo moto disclosure for JR, Walk-In-Interview was held on 31.03.2015, under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005.. size:(229.40 KB) 9/2016
21 Returns dated 01.06.2015 from RTI on the subject: Quarterly Returns regarding implementation of the RTI Act,2005 IInd Quarter(July 2014 - September 2014).. size:(273.64 KB) 8/2016
22 Returns dated 03.06.2015 from RTI on the subject: Quarterly Returns regarding implementation of the RTI Act,2005 IIIrd Quarter(October 2014 - December 2014).. size:(267.16 KB) 7/2016
23 Letter dated 11.04.2015 from ESIC-PGIMSR & ODC(E.Z), Joka, Kolkata on the subject : Suo moto disclosure for JR, Walk-In-Interview was held on 26.05.2015, under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005.. size:(195.94 KB) 6/2016
24 Letter dated 11.04.2015 from ESIC-PGIMSR & ODC(E.Z), Joka, Kolkata on the subject : Suo moto disclosure for SR, Walk-In-Interview was held on 09.06.2015, under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005.. size:(202.31 KB) 5/2016
25 Returns dated 01.07.2015 from RTI on the subject: Quarterly Returns regarding implementation of the RTI Act,2005 IVth Quarter(January 2015 - March 2015). size:(267.16 KB) 4/2016
26 Returns dated 02.07.2015 from RTI on the subject: Revised Quarterly Returns regarding implementation of the RTI Act,2005 IVth Quarter (January 2015 - March 2015).. size:(268.71 KB) 3/2016
27 Letter dated 20.1.2016 from ESIC-PGIMSR & ODC(E.Z), Joka, Kolkata on the subject : Suo moto disclosure for Tutor, Walk-In-Interview was held on 08.01.2016, under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005.. size:(711.36 KB) 2/2016
28 Letter dated 03.2.2016 from ESIC-PGIMSR & ODC(E.Z), Joka, Kolkata on the subject : Suo moto disclosure for SR, Walk-In-Interview was held on 27.01.2016, under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005. . size:(764.48 KB) 1/2016

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-07-22



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