ESIC Hospital, Andheri East
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                                          DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY, ESIPGIMSR Andheri Mumbai

Facilties Available

The Department of Biochemistry receives approximately 500 patient samples for approximately 1000-1500 blood tests daily.

The department has fully automated and state-of-the-art equipment for handling the workload of the lab. The laboratory provides a test menu of approximately 100 plus tests including diabetic profile, liver function tests, renal function tests, electrolytes, lipid profile, cardiac enzymes, serum protein electrophoresis, thyroid function test, fertility profile, tumor markers, immunology and antibodies, iron studies, hormone profile, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, tests for critical care- Pro-BNP, Procalcitonin, Plasma Lactate, D- Dimer, Cystatin C, ACE, Complements, Interleukin-6, Quantitative CRP, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring,  fluid analysis, quantitative estimation of protein, albumin, creatinine and other metabolites in the urine sample.

The department runs training programs for the technical staff on regular basis covering subjects like Biomedical waste management, HIV, Hospital-acquired infections, good lab practices, quality control, development of new tests, and management of good public relations



1 Dr. Milind  Lanje HOD 
2. Dr. Sneha Madarpalle Senior Resident
3. Dr. Vishwajeet Shinde Senior Resident

Last updated / Reviewed : 2022-08-16



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