ESIC Hospital, Andheri East
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Diet services at ESIC Hospital are integral to our commitment to providing comprehensive and patient-centered care. Our diet services focus on ensuring that patients receive the appropriate nutrition to support their health, recovery, and overall well-being. Here’s an overview of the diet services provided:

1. Dietary Assessment and Consultation

Location: Dietetics Department


Initial Assessment: A registered dietitian conducts a thorough assessment of the patient’s nutritional needs, including medical history, current health conditions, dietary habits, and any specific dietary restrictions.
Personalized Consultation: Based on the assessment, a personalized dietary plan is developed. This plan addresses specific health conditions, supports recovery, and aligns with any therapeutic diets prescribed by medical professionals.

2. Therapeutic Diet Planning

Location: Dietetics Department


Customized Diet Plans: Dietitians create customized diet plans tailored to individual health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, renal disease, or heart disease.
Meal Coordination: The diet plan includes details on food plan, portion sizes, and meal timing to meet the patient’s nutritional needs while supporting their medical treatment.

3. Inpatient Dietary Services

Location: Patient Wards 


Meal Provision: Patients receive meals prepared according to their therapeutic diet plan. Special dietary needs are addressed, such as salt restricted, diabetec diet or high-protein diet, etc.

4. Outpatient Diet Services

Location: Dietetics Department / Outpatient Clinic


Follow-Up Visits: Outpatients may have follow-up visits to assess the effectiveness of the dietary plan, make adjustments as needed, and address any new dietary concerns.
Education and Support: Ongoing education and support are provided to help patients manage their diet independently, including meal planning and understanding the impact of dietary choices on their health.

5. Nutritional Education and Counseling

Location: Dietetics Department / Patient Education Sessions


Educational Materials: Patients receive educational materials about healthy eating, meal planning, and managing specific health conditions through diet.
Counselling Sessions: Personalized counselling sessions are offered to address dietary concerns, answer questions, and provide guidance on making healthy food choices.

6. Nutritional Monitoring and Evaluation

Location: Dietetics Department


Regular Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of patients' nutritional status is conducted to ensure that dietary plans are effective and that patients are meeting their health goals.
Evaluation: Regular evaluations are performed to assess the impact of the diet on the patient’s health and make necessary adjustments to improve outcomes.

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-11-23



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