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Medical Board
(a) Permanent Disability Benefit (PDB) is payable to an IP who suffers permanent residual disablement as a result of EI (including Occupational Diseases) and results in loss of earning capacity. The proper authority for assessing loss of earning capacity for injuries, is the Medical Board and for Occupational Diseases, the Special Medical Board.
(b) The duration of PDB may be for the period given by Medical Board, if assessment is provisional or for entire life if assessment is final.
(c) PDB Rate: The PDB rate is calculated as percentage of loss of earning capacity as assessed by the Medical Board/MAT/EI Court in relation to TDB. List of injuries deemed to result in permanent total disablement and percentage loss of earning capacity has been previewed in 2nd Schedule to ESIC Act, 1948. PDB amount is revised by the ESIC from time to time to adjust for inflation.
(d) Age of an IP will have to be proved to the satisfaction of the Corporation in all cases. Medical Boards assess the age of IPs who are not able to produce satisfactory proof of age and opinion of Medical Board shall be final in this regard.
Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-12-05