ESIC Hospital, Andheri East
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Diagnostic Services

Lab Services: Routine Services of Pathology, Haematology, Microbiology, Biochemistry. Specialised Services are outsourced.

Radiology & Imaging Services: X-Rays, Ultrasonography, Colour Doppler, 2 D Echo

In-Patient Services: 120-bed In-Patient Services for the specialities where OPD Services are available.

Operation Theatre Services: Equipped with 3 Major and 1 Emergency Operation Theatre for Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology. 

Anaesthesia Services: Routine Anaesthesia Services and Pre-Anaesthetic Check-up Services

Labour Room Services: The Labour Room has 2 Labour Tables for 24 x 7 for normal delivery Services.

Nursery Facility: Equipped with 4 warmers, Bubble CPAP and standby Ventilator. 

Level – I, ICU Facility: 10 Bedded Level I - ICU with Multi-para Monitors, Defibrillator and Ventilator Services. 

Ambulance Services. 24X7 ambulance services (Hired)

Diet Kitchen: Inhouse kitchen for dietary services to patients 

Dietetics Services: Dietician services available to patients

Laundry Services: Semi-mechanised Laundry services

CSSD: Central Sterile Supply Department

Medical Stores Services: For medical inventory management of Hospitals catering to IPs for OPD Pharmacy and internal consumption in IPD 230 beds.

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-11-23



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  • 1. CPGRAM में लॉग इन करें
  • 2. "Grievance Detail"के तहत "Others/Not Listed/Not Known" का चयन करें
  • 3. "Ministry/Department" ड्रॉपडाउन में ESIC चयन करें
  • 4. "Subordinate Department/Office" में क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय का चयन करें
  • 5. शिकायत का विवरण दें .


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  • 1. Login into CPGRAM
  • 2. In section "Grievance Detail" select "Others/Not Listed/Not Known"
  • 3. In the "Ministry/Department" Drop Down Select ESIC
  • 4. In "Subordinate Department/Office" select the Regional Office
  • 5. Provide details of the complaint
